
Let’s Recognise The Huge Decline In Teenage Pregnancy, And Try To Understand What’s Driven It


Clare Murphy, Director of External Affairs at the British Pregnancy Advisory Service Huffington Post UK  In a new report, Social media, SRE and Sensible Drinking: Understanding the dramatic decline in teenage pregnancy, BPAS set out to explore some of the factors behind the decline in teen pregnancy, talking to teenagers themselves about how they live their lives – and the extent to which...

Australian sex workers fear US anti-trafficking laws could make the internet off limits


ABC News, 10/4/2018 Think about the tools you use for work, and then imagine a legal change on the other side of the world could take them out of your hands. Sex workers fear that could happen in Australia if a contentious US bill becomes law. It’s aimed at making websites liable if they’re used to facilitate “sex trafficking”. Like every profession, sex work is...

How YouTubers took over sex education


The Guardian, Tues March 13, 2018 With UK schools increasingly falling short, vloggers such as Hannah Witton and Laci Green have stepped up to offer guidance on everything from body confidence to sexual pleasure.  YouTube sex educators are increasingly popular, and for the young people I speak to, such videos are where almost all their information about sex now comes from. Read more...

Teen sexting: pleasure is missing from the discussion


The Conversation, 28/02/2018 Sexting has increased among teens in recent years, and increases as youths age, according to new research published in JAMA Pediatrics. An estimated one in seven teens sends sexts and one in four receives them, according to the research. The paper reviews 39 studies conducted between 1990 to 2016 involving more than 110,000 participants. Two studies took place in...

Making sexual consent matter: one-off courses are unlikely to help


The Conversation, February 15, 2018 6.05am AEDT In the wake of the findings of the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 2017 national report on sexual assault and sexual harassment at Australian universities, a number of universities have introduced mandatory courses on sexual consent for new students. Of all students who participated in the AHRC inquiry, 26% experienced some form of sexual...

Baby boomers re-entering dating game more vulnerable to STIs


PM, ABC radio, 18/01/2018 Family Planning New South Wales surveyed 2,339 heterosexual men who were using an online dating service in 2014. The survey found men aged 50 or older were less likely to use condoms and more likely than younger men to think that condoms reduced sexual interest. The survey also found 49 per cent of men over 60 did not know that Australia’s most prevalent sexually...

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