Tagtargeted interventions

“No‐one’s driving this bus” – qualitative analysis of PrEP health promotion for Aboriginal gay and bisexual men

“No‐one’s driving this bus” – qualitative analysis of PrEP health promotion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander gay and bisexual men Aust NZ J Public Health,  2019; 43:18-23; doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12852 Objective: HIV prevention tools such as pre‐exposure prophylaxis require equitable access and uptake to protect all at‐risk populations. This project assessed the perceived barriers to...

New clinic posters for download from Young Deadly Free


Young Deadly Free, October 2018 The team at Young Deadly Free have been busy creating new posters with Aboriginal communities across Australia. The posters aim to get their key messages out to young people and others in a fresh, engaging way. All of our posters highlight positive messages from people living and working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities about the importance of...

Barriers to HIV testing for people born in Southeast Asia & sub-Saharan Africa


Curtin University,  2017 Over the past decade Australia has seen an increase in HIV notifications among people born in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and South East Asia (SEA). People born in these regions have the highest rates of HIV diagnosis by region of birth and are overrepresented in late or advanced presentations of HIV infection. Previous research indicates that migrants from SSA and SEA...

Exploring psychosocial predictors of STI testing in University students


BMC Public Health, 2018 18:664, Published: 29 May 2018 Abstract: Background To explore university students’ Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing knowledge, psychosocial and demographic predictors of past STI testing behaviour, intentions to have an STI test, and high risk sexual behaviour, to inform interventions promoting STI testing in this population. Methods A cross-sectional...

Smoking causes one in five cancers in people with HIV in North America


aidsmap/nam, 22 January 2018 A fifth of all cancers in people receiving HIV care in North America between 2000 and 2015 was due to smoking, according to US research published this month in advance online by the journal AIDS. “In the United States, the prevalence of smoking among HIV-infected people is substantially higher than in the general population, and most HIV-infected individuals either...

Baby boomers re-entering dating game more vulnerable to STIs


PM, ABC radio, 18/01/2018 Family Planning New South Wales surveyed 2,339 heterosexual men who were using an online dating service in 2014. The survey found men aged 50 or older were less likely to use condoms and more likely than younger men to think that condoms reduced sexual interest. The survey also found 49 per cent of men over 60 did not know that Australia’s most prevalent sexually...

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