Women with Disabilities ACT, updated 2019 On this page you can find all of Women with Disabilities ACT’s major submissions to government, research reports and policy statements. Accessible versions have been provided where possible. Some relevant documents on the page include: Contraception, Consent, Respectful Relationships & Sexuality, May 2019 [pdf] [docx] WWDACT Submission to the...
The Ban on ‘Amyl’
Thorne Harbour Health, 17 Jan 2019 Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently postponed its decision on whether or not to change the law around alkyl nitrites (the active ingredient in ‘amyl’ or ‘poppers’). Currently, the TGA is conducting public consultations into the proposed amendments that could see amyl recategorised as a ‘prohibited...
Sex workers call for better education around kids and porn – not censorship
The Age, March 29, 2016 – 10:04PM The peak body for Australian sex workers has called for better education to help children deal with pornography if they are exposed to it, rather than increased censorship. A Senate inquiry into the potential harm being done to Australian children “through access to pornography on the internet” has been inundated by more than 140 submissions...
Submissions to the Sex Work Decriminalisation Select Committee close on 16th October
Submissions to the Sex Work Decriminalisation Select Committee (South Australia) close on the 16th of October. The purpose of the Bill is to amend various pieces of legislation to decriminalise sex work and extend protections to provide sex workers with the same rights and protections as other workers. The Bill to decriminalise sex work in SA was read for a second time on Wednesday (9th...