Tagsub-Saharan Africa

Stillbirth more frequent in women with HIV in UK than in general population


nam/aidsmap, 01 August 2017 The stillbirth rate among women living with HIV in the UK and Ireland from 2007 to 2015 was more than twice that of the general population, Graziella Favarato, presenting on behalf of the National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood (NSHPC), told participants at the 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris last week. Most women...

Two-drug HIV therapy just as effective as three-drug therapy


aidsmap/nam, 25 October 2016
SImplification of an antiretroviral treatment to a boosted protease inhibitor and the nucleoside analogue lamivudine (a dual regimen) is highly effective in people switching from a stable three-drug regimen, researchers reported on Monday at the International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection (HIV Glasgow).
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Contraceptive rates in poorest countries leap by 30 million users in four years


Guardian, Tuesday 1 November 2016 17.00 AEDT The number of women in the world’s poorest countries using modern forms of contraception has jumped by more than 30 million in the past four years, according to a report that found the most significant progress had been made in sub-Saharan Africa. At the halfway point of the Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) initiative, launched in 2012, around 12 million...

HIV prevention drug PrEP being tested on high-risk adolescents


Sydney Morning Herald, July 21 2016
A preventative HIV drug being used by thousands of gay men in Australia is being tested on teenagers at high risk of the virus.
Studies have shown that PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) offers near complete protection against HIV if taken properly every day. Researchers are now testing it on young people in South Africa and the US.
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New pilot project to improve hep B outcomes for at-risk patients


Burnet Institute, 28 June, 2016 Improved screening of patients at risk of hepatitis B is the aim of a new pilot project underway in Victoria, with early diagnosis and treatment crucial to reduce the risk of liver cancer. Cancer Council Victoria and Burnet Institute’s Screening for Hepatitis in At-Risk Populations (SHARP) project will trial four new interventions to help diagnose hepatitis B in GP...

The global spread of HIV


Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Available online 2 June 2016 Abstract: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was discovered in the early 1980s when the virus had already established a pandemic. For at least three decades the epidemic in the Western World has been dominated by subtype B infections, as part of a sub-epidemic that traveled from Africa through Haiti to United States...

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