
Gender equality indicators from the Australian Bureau of Statistics


Australian Bureau of Statistics, continually updated Key ABS economic and social indicators measuring equality between males and females, including gender pay gap and life expectancy. Click picture to enlarge Contents: Key indicators Gender pay gap Work Education Health and wellbeing Crime Work-life balance The content presented in these indicators may not be the most recent data available...

HIV Futures 10 is now open


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe University,  June 2021 HIV Futures, the largest and longest-running study of people living with HIV in Australia, is now open for the 10th time. The study has tracked the health, wellbeing and experiences of people living with HIV in Australia for the past 25 years. The HIV Futures 10 survey (hivfutures.org.au) is currently...

Women Living With HIV Require Better Mental Health Diagnostics and Interventions


Infectious Disease Advisor, April 9, 2021 Mental health conditions affect women living with HIV (WLWH) at substantially higher rates compared with men living with HIV (MLWH) and HIV-negative women. However, treatment regimens and research literature related to mental health do not reflect the proportion of affected WLWH. In a narrative review published online in the January 2021 issue of...

The Experience of International Students Before and During COVID-19: Housing, work, study, and wellbeing


 University of Technology Sydney, Australian Research Council study (DP190101073), International students’ experience of renting accommodation in Australia is a crucial but overlooked determinant of their wellbeing, which has been brought into stark relief by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is based on two surveys of international students in the private rental sector (PRS). The...

Keeping up with hepatitis, liver, and COVID-19 resources


Hepatitis SA, May 2020 Hepatitis SA currently have a collection of hepatitis/liver related COVID-19 resources available online through their library catalogue. Hepatitis SA maintains a specialist library of physical and online resources; including books, reports, audio-visual resources, journals and newsletters, with the services of a professional librarian. Find the COVID-19 information here ...

New service providing mental health support to people of CALD backgrounds


Relationships Australia South Australia, May 2020 ASKPEACE is available to provide mental health support to people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds living in South Australia who have been impacted by COVID-19. The ASK Peace Project will provide a virtual service based on counselling and case management, referrals, support and advocacy services to respond to the mental health...

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