National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPWHA), 2020 The HIV Peer Support Standards, developed by the National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPHWA), is a welcomed resource and addresses a long standing gap in policy and program planning of services for people living with HIV. The evidence-informed standards provide a step-by-step guide that create a framework for...
Understanding the role of law and culture in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities in responding to and preventing family violence
ANROWS, 2020 Family violence within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities attracts considerable attention in policy, research and practice. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have advocated for community-led approaches to family violence that are culturally safe, involve Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander justice models and recognise Aboriginal or Torres Strait...
Breaking the Binary Code: Celebrating gender and sexuality diversity
The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre (Victoria), 2020 Breaking the Binary Code: Celebrating gender and sexuality diversity, challenging stereotypes and relationship expectations is a 18-month primary prevention of family violence project. The project has a strengths-based approach working with LGBTIQA+ young people, community and stakeholders. It was led in partnership with The Sexual...
Building on strengths to support Aboriginal young people’s sexual health
UNSW, originally published May 2020 The Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project ‘What We Do Well’ has reached a milestone of halfway point and completion of the first major round of data collection, conducted by Aboriginal young people trained as part of the project to interview their peers. ‘What We Do Well’ is identifying the positive actions Aboriginal young people take to reduce...
Providing safe and remote services to LGBTIQ people due to the impact of COVID-19
Rainbow Health Victoria, April 2020 We would like to acknowledge the difficult time we all face with the current public health crisis caused by coronavirus (COVID-19). Overall, older people and those with underlying health conditions are more at risk. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) communities are known to have significant health disparities, which might...