Tagsocial inclusion

Discrimination: a health hazard for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds resettled in Australia


Ziersch, A., Due, C. & Walsh, M. Discrimination: a health hazard for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds resettled in Australia. BMC Public Health 20, 108 (2020). Abstract Background Research has shown that discrimination is harmful to health, but there is relatively little known about discrimination experienced by people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds in...

Life satisfaction and mental health among transgender students


Life satisfaction and mental health among transgender students in Norway Anderssen, N., Sivertsen, B., Lønning, K.J. et al. BMC Public Health 20, 138 (2020) Background Social attitudes to transgender persons and other gender minorities vary around the world, and in many cultures, prejudices and social stigma are common. Consequently, transgender persons face challenges related to discrimination...

Intersex Peer Support Australia launches


Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA), 25th October 2019 On the eve of Intersex Awareness Day, an internationally observed awareness day designed to highlight human rights issues faced by intersex people, and observed on 26 October each year, one of the oldest intersex groups in the world is launching a new name, branding and website. Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA) will carry on the...

He, she, or … ? Gender-neutral pronouns reduce biases – study


The Guardian, Tue 6 Aug 2019 05.00 AEST A new study has found that using a gender-neutral pronoun reduces mental biases that favour men, and boosts positive feelings towards women and LGBT people. The finding marks an easy win, the researchers believe, and shows how a minor change in language can help chip away at long-standing gender inequities. Read more here  Access abstract of journal paper...

Second HOW2 course announced for 2019


SHINE SA, July 2019 Our first course filled up, and as a result we are pleased to announce a second HOW2 course for this year! The HOW2 CREATE LGBTI INCLUSIVE SERVICES training program is an in-depth, practical program which helps organisations reach their inclusivity goals and potentially achieve accreditation as an inclusive service. Delivered over 4 separate days, interspersed with time to...

Free cooking class for LGBTIQ+ over-50s & for PLHIV


SAMESH, April 5th 2019 SAMESH is cooking up a storm with the regular GK’s Cooking Class again! This is an opportunity to come along and watch a professional prepare a nutritious meal on a budget (and to sample it!). GK will also show you some of the techniques, and answer your questions – at this FREE event! * Please note: This event is now open to for both people living with HIV, and also...

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