Tagsexual partners

Punishing one person for STI transmission weakens public health efforts


The Conversation, September 21, 2017 Is one person to blame if another gets a sexually transmissible infection (STI)? In most Australian states, if you have certain STIs, you have a legal responsibility to notify your potential sexual partners. The idea that punishing STI exposure or transmission will decrease rates of infection is not supported by global research on HIV, and there is no reason...

Latest Adelaide Gay Community Periodic Survey results released


Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, 2017 The Adelaide Gay Community Periodic Survey is a cross-sectional survey of gay and homosexually active men recruited at a range of gay community sites in Adelaide. The major aim of the survey is to provide data on sexual, drug use and testing practices related to the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmissible infections (STIs) among gay...

Antiretroviral sex: the transformation of safe sex?


February 2017 This free, public lecture, given by Associate Professor Martin Holt of the UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, considers the radical shifts in HIV prevention associated with the use of HIV treatment and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). These prevention strategies provide new ways to safely avoid HIV, but also pose challenges to the ways communities understand, and potentially...

One in five ‘heterosexual’ men in the UK caught their HIV from another man


nam/aidsmap, 18 February 2017 A genetic analysis of a large database of people with HIV in the UK in care shows that 18% of men with HIV who claim to be exclusively heterosexual in fact belong to clusters of linked infections that consist only of men. This provides a minimum figure for the proportion of men with HIV in the UK who are what the researchers call non-disclosed MSM (ndMSM). These...

Women’s Preferences for Pen1s Size: A New Research Method Using Selection among 3D Models


(Note; some spelling has been changed in this post to avoid automatic spam filters for email subscribers) PLoS ONE 10(9): e0133079. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133079 Abstract Women’s preferences for pen1s size may affect men’s comfort with their own bodies and may have implications for sexual health. Studies of women’s pen1s size preferences typically have relied on their abstract ratings or...

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