Tagsexual behaviour

High-risk behaviors and their association with awareness of HIV status among participants of a prevention intervention


High-risk behaviors and their association with awareness of HIV status among participants of a large-scale prevention intervention in Athens, Greece. Pavlopoulou, I.D., Dikalioti, S.K., Gountas, I. et al. BMC Public Health 20, 105 (2020). Abstract Background Aristotle was a seek-test-treat intervention during an outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among people who inject...

Emergency contraception awareness in an at‐risk population


Hope, D. L., Hattingh, L. and King, M. A. (2019) J Pharm Pract Res. doi:10.1002/jppr.1554 Background Consumer awareness of emergency contraception is generally poor. School leavers (schoolies) engage in risky behaviours, including casual sex and alcohol and drug consumption. Aim The aim of this study was to explore the awareness of an at‐risk population of schoolies regarding the use and...

Report: 6th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), 2019 The Secondary Students and Adolescent Sexual Health survey is a national study exploring the sexual health and well-being of Australian adolescents. The anonymous survey asks questions about knowledge, behaviour and educational experiences related to sexual health and well-being. The Commonwealth Department of Health funded...

HIV & the Law: updated content from ASHM


Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine, 2019 The NEW Guide to Australian HIV Laws and Policies for Healthcare Professionals includes two new sections on Mandatory Testing for HIV and My Health Record. This resource aims to provide health care workers with information on legal and ethical responsibilities under various laws and regulations related to human...

No single ‘gay gene’, reveals the largest-ever study of the genetics of same-sex sexual behaviour


ABC news, 30/08/2019 Scientists have again debunked the idea of a single “gay gene”, in the largest study to date of the genetics of same-sex sexual behaviour. Rather, their findings paint a diverse and complex picture of human sexuality, and the genetic factors that influence it. Nearly half a million people took part in the study, mostly from the United Kingdom and the United...

Lastest Gay Community Periodic Survey for Adelaide released


Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, June 2019 Gay Community Periodic Survey: Adelaide 2018 Authors: Broady, T., Mao, L., Bavinton, B., Jeffries, D., Bartlett, S., Calabretto, H., Narciso, L., Prestage, G., & Holt. The Adelaide Gay Community Periodic Survey is a cross-sectional survey of gay and homosexually active men recruited at a range of gay community sites in Adelaide, and online...

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