Tagsexual attraction

Why Straight Men Have Sex With Each Other


nymag.com, August 5, 2015 When straight women hook up with other straight women, no real explanation is required; when straight men hook up with other straight men, it’s a different story. This divide stems from a common understanding of human sexuality: The female variety of it is more malleable, more inherently open to experimentation and variety, than the male variety. In Not Gay: Sex Between...

‘Gay genes’: science is on the right track, we’re born this way. Let’s deal with it.


Guardian: Science, Friday 24 July 2015  In a recent Guardian article , Simon Copland argued that it is very unlikely people are born gay (or presumably any other sexual orientation). Scientific evidence says otherwise. It points strongly to a biological origin for our sexualities. Finding evidence for a biological basis should not scare us or undermine gay, lesbian and bisexual (LGB) rights. Read...

Is monogamy unnatural?


ABC Science Show, Saturday 28 June 2014 12:05PM
Christopher Ryan reviews the enjoyment of sex, evidence from prehistory, and even the charming behaviour of bonobos, to suggest that conventional monogamy is but a blip in human history, and basically, doesn’t work.
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