SHINE SA, 6th June 2023 Coping with Gender Dysphoria: A Quick Workbook, is a new peer-led resource by SHINE SA’s Gender Connect Country SA. Coping with gender dysphoria can be a significant challenge for people who are transgender, nonbinary, or gender diverse (TGD). While not all TGD people will experience gender dysphoria in the same way (or at all), gender dysphoria can impact nearly all areas...
Updated Standards of Care for Trans and Gender Diverse People
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), October 2022 Following five-years of rigorous scientific effort by more than 120 health care clinical and academic professionals across the globe, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has released the Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8 (SOC8). Building upon...
Transfemme resource to promote healthier relationships between trans women and cisgender men
Zoe Belle Gender Collective Transfemme is an Australian website designed to promote healthier relationships between trans women and cisgender men. This website has been created by the Zoe Belle Gender Collective in collaboration with a collective of Victorian-based trans women and cis men who have experience in dating or are in relationships with trans women. The content is based on the...
New Gender Affirming Care Resource
Sexual Health Infolink (NSW Ministry of Health), 2019 As more services are beginning to provide hormonal therapies to trans and gender diverse people, the NSW Sexual Health Infolink (SHIL) has consolidated the key resources to guide best practice. Bookmark SHIL’s Gender Affirming Care page for quick access to: Clinical guidelines and patient fact sheets about hormonal therapies, Specialist trans...
Inquiry into the Sexual Reassignment Repeal Bill 2014 (S.A.)
Parliament of South Australia: Legislative Review Committee, 13 April 2016 On Tuesday 12 April 2016, the Report of the Legislative Review Committee into the Sexual Reassignment Repeal Bill 2014 was tabled in Parliament. The referral to investigate the Bill was brought in the Legislative Council in late 2014 by the Hon. Tammy Franks MLC. The report recommends the passage of the Sexual Reassignment...
Psychologist who had affair with transgender patient struck off for 5 years
NSW Caselaw, February 2016 A psychologist in NSW has been banned by from registration or providing any health services for five years. The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission brought complaints of unprofessional conduct and professional misconduct against Seth Talmadge. The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) found that the patient (who had transitioned from female to male some years...