
What is Transgender Day of Visibility and Why Does It Matter?


SHINE SA Media Release: 29 March 2021 March 31 will mark the 12th annual International Transgender Day of Visibility. Each year we acknowledge this day and celebrate transgender and gender diverse people around the globe and their experiences and achievements. The day also creates an opportunity to reflect on the barriers and violence trans and gender diverse people face in the workplace, at...

Not as simple as ‘no means no’: what young people need to know about consent


The Conversation, Feb. 23, 2021 A recent petition circulated by Sydney school girl Chanel Contos called for schools to provide better education on consent, and to do so much earlier. The term “consent” is often associated with sex, but it’s much broader than that. It relates to permission and how to show respect for ourselves and for other people. Consent should therefore be addressed in an age...

Queer Out Here: LGBTQIA+Inclusion in Rural and Regional Schools (Report)


Minus18, October 2020 Minus18’s Queer Out Here Report is a unique look into LGBTQIA+ experiences in regional and rural schools. What does it mean to be a student or teacher in regional Australia, and what support is needed for LGBTQIA+ youth? Undertaken over 131 days, the Queer Out Here project was created as both a consultation project, and an education drive in assessing and enabling...

Free workshop series on Sexuality and Intellectual Disability


South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability, July 2020 Sexuality and Relationships is an essential area of learning for people with an intellectual disability. Adults with intellectual disability say they want to learn together in their own right. Parents and carers can make a big difference in small ways by improving their own knowledge and using supportive approaches. These interactive...

New ‘Trans @ School’ resource


 LGBTI Legal Service, Legal Aid Queensland and the Queensland Human Rights Commission, in consultation with the Queensland Children’s Gender Service, 2020 This resource has been developed in consultation with the Queensland Children’s Gender Service, young people, parents and educators. School is an important part of life for children and young people. Schools not only have an ethical duty, but a...

Australia’s Gen Z Study


Australia’s Gen Zs: negotiating religion, sexuality & diversity ANU, Deakin and Monash Universities, 2019. Contemporary teenagers (Gen Z) are exposed to diversity in ways that are unprecedented, through social media, school and peers. How do they experience and understand religious, spiritual, gender and sexual diversity? How are their experiences mediated by where they go to school...

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