Tagrural regional and remote

Situational Report: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Australia


Marie Stopes Australia, Updated 17 April 2020 Situational Report: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Australia – A request for collaboration and action to maintain contraceptive and abortion care throughout the SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19 pandemic Executive Summary We are in a context of increased risk of unplanned pregnancy, reproductive coercion, sexually transmitted infections, lack of...

Nurse Practitioner (s100) Prescribing Change


Hepatitis Australia, 3 April 2020 Hepatitis Australia warmly welcomes recent changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) allowing authorised Nurse Practitioners to prescribe hepatitis B and hepatitis C medicines under the Highly Specialised Drugs (s100) Program. Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C are under-treated and without improvement in a range of areas Australia risks falling short of...

Women on temporary visas experiencing family violence face additional complex barriers to seeking help


inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence, March 11th, 2020 CEO of inTouch, Ms Michal Morris, today released a position paper on women on temporary visas who are experiencing family violence. The paper urges the government to implement eight recommendations in order to improve supports and services for these vulnerable women. ‘I believe that all women who experience family violence in...

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health survey shows mixed outcomes


Australian Bureau of Statistics, 11/12/2019 A new report shows mixed health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a reduction in smoking and improvements in how people feel about their health, but an increased proportion of people with chronic conditions causing significant health problems. The 2018-19 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey released...

Press release: We Must Do Better for Our Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Young People


South Australia’s first Commissioner for Children and Young People, 4th November 2019 Commissioner for Children and Young People Helen Connolly says that South  Australia’s trans and gender diverse children and young people have told her they want their health care needs to be a  priority for the Government.  Our jurisdictions around Australia already deliver models of care that cater to the...

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