
Queer Out Here: LGBTQIA+Inclusion in Rural and Regional Schools (Report)


Minus18, October 2020 Minus18’s Queer Out Here Report is a unique look into LGBTQIA+ experiences in regional and rural schools. What does it mean to be a student or teacher in regional Australia, and what support is needed for LGBTQIA+ youth? Undertaken over 131 days, the Queer Out Here project was created as both a consultation project, and an education drive in assessing and enabling...

People identifying as LGBTIQ and alcohol, tobacco & other drugs in Australia


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, last updated 12/06/2020 Key Findings: People identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual have relatively high rates of substance use. However, there is a lack of comprehensive data available on the associated harms for this population group. Almost one in 5 (18.7%) people identifying as homosexual or bisexual reported daily tobacco smoking in 2016, comapred...

How sexual assault survivors can feel in control during cervical screenings


ABC Life  / By Kellie Scott / 12th August 2020 Kate* avoids cervical screenings.The 34-year-old from Sydney is a survivor of sexual assault and finds the physical examination re-traumatising. Kate’s experience is not unique. One in five Australian women has experienced sexual violence since the age of 15. And research shows those who have experienced sexual abuse, either as adults or...

The Experience of International Students Before and During COVID-19: Housing, work, study, and wellbeing


 University of Technology Sydney, Australian Research Council study (DP190101073), International students’ experience of renting accommodation in Australia is a crucial but overlooked determinant of their wellbeing, which has been brought into stark relief by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is based on two surveys of international students in the private rental sector (PRS). The...

Australian Burden of Disease Study: Illicit Drug Use, Intimate Partner Violence, Unsafe Sex


 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Last updated: 06 Aug 2020 Burden of disease is a measure of the years of healthy life lost from living with, or dying from disease and injury. A portion of this burden is preventable, being due to modifiable risk factors. This report provides information on the deaths and burden of disease due to risk factors included in the Australian Burden of...

Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant and Refugee Women and Children Experiencing DFV


Women’s Safety NSW, Published: July 31, 2020 Whilst research on the prevalence of violence against migrant and refugee women is limited, what is known is that cultural, language and systemic barriers serve to reduce access to safety and support for this group of women, and they are at higher risk of domestic homicide. (AIC 2020) This also corresponds with lower rates of reporting amongst...

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