
We won’t eradicate FGM if we keep misunderstanding its history (Opinion)


by Sada Mire, The Guardian, Mon 9 Mar 2020 19.00 AEDT Over the last century there have been numerous global resolutions, and FGM is now acknowledged internationally as a human rights violation. It has been criminalised in several western nations, including the UK, and in 19 African countries, FGM carries some sort of penalty. Media campaigns have helped. And grassroots organisations in the west...

SHINE SA a signatory to the South Australian joint statement against the Religious Discrimination Bill


February 27th, 2020 We the undersigned represent a range of researchers, community service organisations and advocacy groups that support communities throughout South Australia. We are united in our concerns about the draft Religious Discrimination Bill and its potential to cause harm to the communities we serve. We respect the diversity of Australia and celebrate the multitude of beliefs...

Call for allies to step up with LGBTQ distress ‘worse than after postal survey’


Sydney Morning Herald, February 23, 2020 Four out of five LGBTQ+ people say they feel worse now than they did after the “yes” vote on same-sex marriage, describing the debate over religious discrimination as “Marriage Equality 2.0” because it is amplifying negative voices. The findings are from the Make Love Louder report by Macquarie University researcher Shirleene...

Discrimination: a health hazard for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds resettled in Australia


Ziersch, A., Due, C. & Walsh, M. Discrimination: a health hazard for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds resettled in Australia. BMC Public Health 20, 108 (2020). Abstract Background Research has shown that discrimination is harmful to health, but there is relatively little known about discrimination experienced by people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds in...

Australia’s Gen Z Study


Australia’s Gen Zs: negotiating religion, sexuality & diversity ANU, Deakin and Monash Universities, 2019. Contemporary teenagers (Gen Z) are exposed to diversity in ways that are unprecedented, through social media, school and peers. How do they experience and understand religious, spiritual, gender and sexual diversity? How are their experiences mediated by where they go to school...

Adelaide abortion clinic calls for safe access from protesters


InDaily,  31/5/19 Staff at an Adelaide abortion clinic have called for safe access zone laws due to pro-life supporters they claim stand near the centre, holding placards and photographing and filming people entering and leaving. Unlike New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Victoria, South Australia has no safe access zone laws that...

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