Tagrecreational drug use

MSM in London diagnosed with early syphilis are a priority group for PrEP


nam/aidsmap, 16 October 2017 Gay and other men who have sex with men (MSM) recently diagnosed with early syphilis are a priority group for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), results of a study published in Sexually Transmitted Infections suggest. Over two years of follow-up, 11% of men diagnosed with early syphilis subsequently became infected with HIV. Incidence of rectal sexually transmitted...

Changes to CNP services in SA


SA Health, October 2017 From 1 January 2018, Mission Australia Hindmarsh Centre after-hours Clean Needle Program (CNP) service component (Monday to Friday 5pm to 8pm) will discontinue. However, the daytime CNP service at the Hindmarsh Centre, provided by Hepatitis SA staff will continue Monday to Friday 1.30pm to 5.00pm, with syringe vending machine services available 24 hours per day 7 days per...

What is going on in gay men’s lives when they acquire HIV?


nam/aidsmap, Published: 08 September 2017 Gay men in England who have recently become HIV positive describe a complex web of factors which may have contributed to their infection, according to a qualitative study recently published in BMJ Open. “Individuals who experienced multiple stressors, gradually over the life course or more suddenly, were especially vulnerable to HIV and being drawn into...

Study suggests drug criminalization undermining global HIV/AIDS efforts


Medical News Today, May 2017 The criminalization of drugs is a leading factor in the world’s HIV epidemic and a potential barrier to eradicating HIV/AIDS, say researchers who’ve undertaken a sweeping review of research on laws and policies prohibiting drug use. Assistant professor Kora DeBeck of SFU’s School of Public Policy, who is a research scientist with the BC Centre for...

Sexual health in Australia’s tropical north


ABC Radio National Health Report, Monday 5 June 2017 5:45 PM There are currently epidemics of syphilis and HIV in young Indigenous people in Cairns. These epidemics are out of control, and have crossed borders to to the Northern Territory, and in the case of syphilis, to Western Australia and South Australia as well. But in better news, Cairns is a nation leader when it comes to clearing the...

Six-question risk score can identify HIV-positive gay men needing testing for acute hepatitis C


nam/aidsmap, 5th June 2017 Six questions can identify HIV-positive gay men who are at elevated risk of having acute (recent) hepatitis C infection and who would benefit from further testing, according to a paper published in Eurosurveillance last week. The risk score was based on data from a Dutch cohort and has been validated with separate datasets from Belgium, the Netherlands and England. The...

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