
It’s hard to think about, but frail older women in nursing homes get sexually abused too


The Conversation, November 22, 2018 6.02am AEDT We don’t often think of older women being victims of sexual assault, but such assaults occur in many settings and circumstances, including in nursing homes. Our research, published this week in the journal Legal Medicine, analysed 28 forensic medical examinations of female nursing home residents who had allegedly been victims of sexual assault in...

Rules about sex: getting them right – upcoming training day


SHINE SA, September 2018 This stand-alone workshop introduces participants to a wide range of education resources that may be borrowed from SHINE SA and provides permanent access to an electronic resource on CD that can be applied immediately in the workplace. The CD based resource has been produced to assist workers and carers to assess knowledge and teach rules about touch and sexual behaviour...

Preventing sexual violence against young women from African backgrounds


Prof. Donna Chung, Prof. Colleen Fisher, Dr. Carole Zufferey & Dr. Ravi K Thiara Australian Institute of Criminology Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice No. 540, June 2018 This study explored how young women from African refugee and migrant backgrounds understand and experience sexual coercion and violence. Data was gathered from young women from African backgrounds and a wide...

Nearly half of female healthcare workers in Australia have experienced domestic abuse: study


ABC News, 3/7/18 A landmark investigation into female medical staff in Australia has found nearly half have experienced domestic violence, including one in 10 who had been abused by their partner in the past year alone. The study, published in the BMC Women’s Health journal, involved 471 doctors, nurses and health professionals in Victoria and is believed to be the first to examine the link...

Recording of sexual assaults in Australia reaches eight-year high


Australian Bureau of Statistics, June 28th 2018 The number of sexual assault victims increased by 8 per cent across Australia from 2016, reaching an eight-year high in 2017, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today. ABS Director of Crime and Justice Statistics William Milne said that there were almost 25,000 victims of sexual assault recorded by police in...

Recognise and Respond to Disclosures of Rape and Sexual Assault -1 Day Training


Women’s and Children’s Health Network, June 2018 This training is designed for workers in all areas of human services and health care. The focus will be on providing knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to provide appropriate trauma informed response to adults who have been raped or sexually assaulted. This involves an understanding of the context in which rape and sexual assault occurs;...

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