
HIV incidence in Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations in Australia


The Lancet HIV: August 07, 2018 DOI: (18)30135-8 Ward, J ;McManus, H; McGregor, S;  et al. Methods Using the National HIV Registry at The Kirby Institute at UNSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia, we collated and analysed annual HIV notification data for 1996–2015. Patients who were not born in Australia were excluded. We calculated the rates of HIV diagnoses with annual trends in notification rates for...

‘Changing the picture’ of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women


Our Watch, July 18th 2018 Our Watch has today launched a resource aimed at tackling the horrific prevalence of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Changing the picture contains a set of clear actions that are needed to address the many drivers of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and is aimed at encouraging, guiding and supporting a national...

Priorities for preventing a concentrated HIV epidemic among Aboriginal Australians


Priorities for preventing a concentrated HIV epidemic among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians James S Ward, Karen Hawke and Rebecca J Guy Med J Aust 2018; 209 (1): 56. || doi: 10.5694/mja17.01071 Published online: 2 July 2018 Greater efforts are required to prevent human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) escalating among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians...

Nearly half of female healthcare workers in Australia have experienced domestic abuse: study


ABC News, 3/7/18 A landmark investigation into female medical staff in Australia has found nearly half have experienced domestic violence, including one in 10 who had been abused by their partner in the past year alone. The study, published in the BMC Women’s Health journal, involved 471 doctors, nurses and health professionals in Victoria and is believed to be the first to examine the link...

A survey on violence and discrimination among people with disabilities


BMC Public Health 2018 18:355 Abstract Background The aim of the study was to quantify levels of violence and discrimination among people with disabilities and analyze the effects of gender and the type and degree of disability. Methods The study analyzed data on self-reported violence and discrimination from a Danish national survey of 18,019 citizens, of whom 4519 reported a physical disability...

Teen sexting: pleasure is missing from the discussion


The Conversation, 28/02/2018 Sexting has increased among teens in recent years, and increases as youths age, according to new research published in JAMA Pediatrics. An estimated one in seven teens sends sexts and one in four receives them, according to the research. The paper reviews 39 studies conducted between 1990 to 2016 involving more than 110,000 participants. Two studies took place in...

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