
Prostitution and sex work: nature and prevalence in England and Wales (report)


University of Bristol, commissioned by the Home Office and the Office of the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, October 2019 The University of Bristol was commissioned by the Home Office and the Office of the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner to look in to the current ‘nature’ and ‘prevalence’ of prostitution in England and Wales, involving adults aged 18 or over. The research was...

Cultural Safety workshops with Khadija Gbla (free event)


Morella Community Centre in collaboration with Khadija Gbla, October 2019 WHAT IS CULTURAL SAFETY? Cultural safety is identified as “an environment that is safe for people: where there is no assault, challenge or denial of their identity, of who they are and what they need. It is about shared respect, shared meaning, shared knowledge and experience, of learning, living and working together with...

When Love Hurts: Domestic Violence Through the Lens of LGBTIQ+ Relationships


Diversity Council Australia (DCA), 21 Oct 2019 Power and control drive all domestic violence cases. But how does intimate partner violence play out in same sex and LGBTIQ+ relationships? What differences are there, and how do we recognise and put safety strategies in place to support them? The Art of Inclusion* is DCA’s own podcast, peering into the lives of fascinating people, whose...

Hidden Forces: Shining a light on Reproductive Coercion (White Paper)


Marie Stopes Australia, 2018 Reproductive Coercion (RC) is behaviour that interferes with the autonomy of a person to make decisions about their reproductive health. Many Australians do not have full control over their reproductive choices. Their choices are constrained by people in their familial and community networks or by structural forces at play in our society. Reproductive Coercion is...

Social housing landlords use domestic violence as reason to evict victims – study


Guardian Australia, Thu 13 Jun 2019 04.00 AEST Social housing landlords are evicting low-income domestic violence survivors because the abuse they suffer can be considered a “nuisance” breach under existing tenancy laws, a new study has found. Researchers from two universities analysed lease terminations data, nearly 100 state tribunal and court decisions, as well as case studies from housing...

Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Men’s Attitudes and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault


Sorting it out: Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Men’s Attitudes and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Sexualities and Genders Research (SaGR), Western Sydney University & ACON, May 2019 This research on Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (GBTIQ) men’s attitudes and experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual assault (SA) was...

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