
Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of [adolescents] using a condom


McCarthy Molly, Kauer Sylvia, Fisher Christopher (2022) Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of using a condom during last sexual experience in a large, national survey of adolescents from Australia. Sexual Health, online early, Abstract: Background: Reducing sexually transmitted infections among adolescents is an important public health goal in Australia and worldwide. This study...

Guide on Co-Design with People Living with Disability


Purple Orange, July 2021 Co-design is a simple way of involving people in the community in decision making processes. There are many benefits to co-design and it can be used in a wide range of circumstances.  The Purple Orange Co-Design Guide provides practical tips and advice on how co-design can be used effectively in the disability context. Click here to download the Purple Orange Co-Design...

“Sex Ed”: Young people, consent and the Australian curriculum (Video of webinar)

ANROWS,  July 5th 2021 Adolescence is a time where ideas and beliefs about relationships, including gender roles and sex, are being developed. Sexual and consent education occurs through various pathways including schools, youth services, the media, families and parenting, and peers and pornography. Evidence shows that pornography impacts knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about sex, intimacy...

Building on strengths to support Aboriginal young people’s sexual health


UNSW, originally published May 2020 The Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project ‘What We Do Well’ has reached a milestone of halfway point and completion of the first major round of data collection, conducted by Aboriginal young people trained as part of the project to interview their peers. ‘What We Do Well’ is identifying the positive actions Aboriginal young people take to reduce...

Multiple factors explain why middle-aged heterosexuals with new sexual partners don’t use condoms


nam/aidsmap New strategies and approaches are needed to address the sexual health needs of middle-aged heterosexuals starting new relationships, research published in Sexually Transmitted Infections suggests. The UK study involved men and women aged between 40 and 59 years with, or considering, new sexual partners after the break-up of a long-term relationship. In-depth interviews showed that...

Hepatitis C – Peer insights on barriers and motivators to Direct-Acting Antiviral (DAA) treatment uptake


ARCSHS, 2018 The knowledge and experience of people who inject drugs (PWID) within peer programs is a vital asset to strategies for the scale-up of DAA treatment among PWID (Brown and Reeders, 2016). This study is focused on translating these “real time” peer insights into resources that support policy and programs to tailor to the needs of communities of people who inject. This tailoring is...

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