
Gender-inclusive language in midwifery and perinatal services


Pezaro S, et al. Gender-inclusive language in midwifery and perinatal services: A guide and argument for justice. Birth. 2024 Jun 1. Abstract: Effective communication in relation to pregnancy and birth is crucial to quality care. A recent focus in reproductive healthcare on “sexed language” reflects an ideology of unchangeable sex binary and fear of erasure, from both cisgender women and the...

Practice Guide: Reproductive Coercion and Abuse


 Australian Institute of Family Studies, May 2023 This practice guide describes the evidence on reproductive coercion and abuse (RCA). It covers: (a) what RCA is; (b) strategies used by perpetrators; (c) the impacts of experiencing RCA; (d) factors that influence a person’s risk of experiencing RCA; and (e) how to ask about RCA victimisation. Finally, some tips are provided for supporting clients...

Stopping violence against women starts with learning what misogyny really is


The Conversation, Published: March 15, 2022 2.55am AEDT, by Katy Dineen, College Lecturer in Teaching & Learning Enhancement, University College Cork & Maria Moulin-Stożek, University Professor, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa The problem of violence against women might seem insurmountable. But focusing on education about misogyny may provide a place to start. In particular, it is...

Nearly half of all women are denied bodily autonomy, says new UNFPA report ‘My Body is My Own’


United Nations Population Fund,  14th April 2021 Nearly half of women in 57 developing countries are denied the right to decide whether to have sex with their partners, use contraception or seek health care, according to UNFPA’s 2021 flagship State of World Population report, released today. For the first time, a United Nations report focuses on bodily autonomy: the power and agency to make...

‘Good intentions are not enough’: Calls to consider complex coercive control faced by migrant women


SBS News, 24/2/2021 Groups representing culturally and linguistically diverse communities are calling for a cautious approach to criminalising coercive control that gives a voice to already vulnerable victim-survivors. Coercive and controlling behaviours are complex and can look vastly different across culturally and linguistically diverse communities, experts have told a parliamentary inquiry...

The ‘revolutionary’ programs giving hope to LGBT domestic violence survivors


ABC News, By Samantha Selinger-Morris Updated Thu 12/07/2018 at 10:32am Studies show people in same-sex relationships experience domestic violence at similar — and possibly higher — rates as opposite-sex couples. But until recently survivors have suffered in silence and worse, been ignored and misunderstood by the health professionals and police who are supposed to help them, because of the...

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