
The Gaps Project Report: HIV transmission amongst GBMSM in Australia


Identifying gaps in achieving the elimination of HIV transmission among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Australia: The Gaps Project Report Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, 2020 This report identifies gaps on the pathway in achieving the elimination of HIV transmission among GBMSM in Australia, through collating and analysing surveillance and behavioural data collected from...

HIV in Australia 2021: infographics


AFAO, December 1st, 2020 Each year, AFAO develops the ‘HIV in Australia’ summary of the latest key HIV data and stats. The latest summary has just been released. Key points: Rapid uptake of PrEP, in combination with treatment as prevention, has led to declines in HIV notifications among Australian-born gay and bisexual men. Across the last six years, there has been a 44% decrease in HIV...

Cultural and linguistic diversity of people living with chronic hepatitis B


Cultural and linguistic diversity of people living with chronic hepatitis B in 2011–2016: changing migration, shifting epidemiology Aust NZ J Public Health. 2018; 42:441-3; doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12826 Abstract Objective: To estimate the cultural and linguistic diversity in Australians currently living with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), the majority of whom were born overseas, and to identify trends...

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