Tagoral contraceptives

Why do certain hormonal contraceptives increase the risk of HIV?


American Society for Microbiology, 1st September 2015 In recent years, evidence has been building that injectable contraceptive depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera or DMPA) is associated with an increased risk of HIV infection. Now a study published in the September 1st issue of mBio, an online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology, provides a biological...

Oral contraceptive use and mortality


ABC Radio National Health Report, Monday 2 February 2015 5:53PM Researchers from Boston have followed 120,000 female nurses for around 40 years, looking at their health and wellbeing, including their contraception and comparing that to cause and age at death. They wanted to find out whether oral contraceptive use is associated with total and cause specific mortality. Read transcript or download...

Oral contraceptive use and mortality


ABC Health Report, Monday 2 February 2015 5:53PM Researchers from Boston have followed 120,000 female nurses for around 40 years, looking at their health and wellbeing, including their contraception and comparing that to cause and age at death. They wanted to find out whether oral contraceptive use is associated with total and cause specific mortality. Read transcript here Listen online here...

ABC Health Report on: Endometriosis


ABC Radio National, Monday 10 November 2014 5:50PM Endometriosis is a common medical condition, affecting one in ten Australian women. Sufferers describe the pain as otherworldly – as if they are being torn up from their insides. Yet the treatment options available in Australia are minimal. This is the story of a tenacious mother-daughter team who fought tooth and nail, via Twitter and...

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