Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2017 Reports of sexual offences crimes have increased over the last six years. Despite the prevalence of sexual offending in our communities, there is a lack of understanding about these crimes. Myths and misconceptions about sexual offending are common. This is understandable, because sexual offending is a profoundly hidden crime. Much of what we know...
New digital resource on revenge po*rn & cyberbullying in SA
The Law Society, 2 November 2016 The Law Society and University of Adelaide have launched a new digital cyberbullying resource which deals with new revenge porn laws that came into force in SA on Friday. A cyberbullying section has been added to the app Out of Bounds (previously called The Naked Truth), which also explains the laws surrounding unlawful sexual intercourse and sexting. The new...
More than third of sexual assaults, homicides linked to domestic violence, ABS data shows
ABC News, Updated July 13, 20016 at 2:39pm More than a third of sexual assaults and homicides recorded in Australia last year were domestic violence-related, according to new figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The 2015 crime statistics also show that there were 21,380 victims of sexual assault across the country, a rise of 3 per cent on the previous year, and a six...
Former Family Violence Perpetrators’ Narratives of Change (Report)
The Glenn Inquiry, New Zealand, November 2014 The voices of perpetrators have largely been absent from research into family violence. In response, the Glenn Inquiry sought to gather the voices and experiences of former family violence perpetrators to better understand what motivates positive change, and what can sustain this change, to ensure that family violence perpetrator interventions are...