Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Release Date: 02 Sep 2019 This is the third report from an Australian-first project, combining screening, cancer, death, and HPV vaccination data to demonstrate the effects of screening and HPV vaccination on cervical cancer, precancerous abnormalities and cervical screening behaviour. Screen-detected cervical cancers were less likely to cause death...
A community perspective: On Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancer among women and, trans and gender diverse people
Positive Life NSW & Femfatales, April 2019 Authors: Liz Sutherland, Lance Feeney, Katya Samodurov Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus which can be passed through skin to skin contact during sexual activity. Evidence to date shows that women living with HIV are 3 to 6 times more likely to develop cervical cancer than the general female population. They are also at greater risk of...
Women and Sexual and Reproductive Health Position Paper: Second Edition, 2019
Australian Women’s Health Network Inc., 2019 The Australian Women’s Health Network first published its Women and Sexual and Reproductive Health Position Paper in 2012. Since then significant work has been undertaken across Australia in this area and a number of its recommendations have been implemented. This has resulted in a robust on going public conversation and a greater understanding of...
Liver cancer death rate rising: study
SBS News, 9/4/19 The rate of liver cancer deaths and diagnoses has increased substantially in the past three decades, yet researchers say little has been done to help Australians most at risk. While it is considered a relatively rare type of cancer – nearly 2000 people were diagnosed in 2014 – the high mortality rate and increasing incidence of diagnosis has been concerning...
Cervical cancer self-tests helping to break down barriers and increase screening rates
ABC Health & Wellbeing, Posted Friday 8th March 2019 at 14:54 In Australia, 80 per cent of cervical cancers are found in women who are overdue for screening or have never been screened. “We know there’s an equity issue in our cervical screening program,” said Dr Saville, executive director of the VCS Foundation, a cervical screening not-for-profit. “Women from lower...
Cervical cancer could be all but eliminated in 80 years: Lancet study
RACGP News, 20 Feb 2019 The Lancet Oncology modelling study found 149 of 181 countries could cut rates of the preventable cancer to four per 100,000 women by the end of the century – the threshold for considering it eliminated as a public health problem. The study finds that combining high uptake of the vaccine with high screening could prevent up to 13.4 million cases of cervical cancer within...