
Let’s talk about sex: why do we need good sex education? – podcast transcript


The Guardian, Wednesday 15 June 2016 18.00 AEST There are 1.8 billion people aged 10 to 24 today, but how many of those are getting comprehensive sexuality education? And why, in 2016, are there still so many taboos around sex? Liz Ford discusses what young people should be taught, when sex education should start and asks, what does comprehensive sexuality education actually mean? She visits the...

Media representations of violence against women and their children: Final report


ANROWS, Monday, 6th June 2016 This project aimed to establish the extent and nature of reporting of violence against women by the Australian media to inform future strategies for change. Using both quantitative (content analysis) and qualitative (critical discourse analysis) methods, the study provided a glimpse into the complexity of reporting practices. It found that:   There is a clear...

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