
Domestic violence leading cause of hospitalised assault among girls and women in Australia


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), 19 April 2017 Nearly 6,500 women and girls were hospitalised due to assault in Australia in 2013–14, with the violence usually perpetrated by a partner or spouse, according to new analysis from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The data, available as part of a new series of fact sheets on selected injuries, shows that over...

Female genital mutilation is hurting Australian girls and we must work together to stamp it out


The Conversation, February 9th, 2017 Female genital mutilation or cutting is largely hidden in Australia and other high-income countries. Most people don’t consider it a major issue. But our research shows it should be. Our research found girls are presenting to paediatricians in Australia with female genital mutilation, but misconceptions about the practice are common and doctors want more...

Measuring & addressing the prevalence & health impacts of intimate partner violence in Australian women


ANROWS,  30th October 2016 Intimate partner violence, including violence in both cohabiting and non-cohabiting relationships and emotional abuse: is prevalent–affecting one in three women since the age of 15. One in four women have experienced violence or abuse from a cohabiting partner. If we only consider physical and sexual violence, then one in six women have experienced at least one incident...

Evidence Lacking on Pelvic Exams in Asymptomatic Women


American Academy of Family Physicians, July 06, 2016 03:30 pm In 2010, physicians performed more than 60 million pelvic examinations in the United States. And although this is a common element of physical exams, it remains unclear whether performing screening pelvic examinations in asymptomatic women significantly affects disease morbidity or mortality. On June 28, the U.S. Preventive Services...

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