Tagmarriage equality

Factsheet on the new The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017


The Equality Campaign, 18/09/2017 The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017 was introduced into parliament (and passed) at the end of last week. Included as a part of the bill was a series of temporary measures to protect people from vilification, harassment or threats of harm during the current postal survey campaign. Also included as a part of the bill is a series of...

Same-sex marriage survey sparks spike in access of LGBTI mental health support


ABC News, 18/8/2017 A national mental health service for young people and their parents say they have experienced a spike in clients accessing LGBTI support services during the highly charged same-sex marriage postal survey period. ReachOut CEO Jono Nicholas said there had been a 20 per cent increase in people accessing LGBTI support services with many contacting them with anxiety over the same...

National health organisations unite and called on the Government to legislate for marriage equality


The Equality Campaign, August 2017 More than 35 leading health organisations across the nation – including SHINE SA – have united together and called on the Federal Government to legislate for marriage equality and put an end to marriage discrimination. Tiernan Brady, Executive Director, The Equality Campaign welcomed the statement, “It’s easy in the middle of all the politics to...

AMA throws its weight behind same-sex marriage, declares it a health issue


The Age, May 20, 2017 The nation’s most powerful doctors’ group has thrown its weight behind same-sex marriage for the first time, declaring it a public health issue and calling on politicians to end the divisive debate. In an unprecedented move, the president of the typically conservative group, Dr Michael Gannon, has written to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader...

Three public health reasons why marriage equality is a great idea


Croakey, April 20, 2017 In the post below, republished with permission from his blog, Sydney epidemiologist Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz shows that, on health grounds alone, the government is obliged to act urgently: Here are three reasons why marriage equality is a win for public health and society in general. 1. For the kids The first go-to argument that any traditional marriage campaigner will rush...

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