Taglow-income countries

Striving towards the elimination of HCV infection among PWID


International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 72,Pages 1-198 (October 2019) Nearly 200 pages of open access articles from projects and research around the world. While this special issue highlights some successful efforts towards HCV elimination among people who inject drugs, it also highlights the relative lack of attention to settings in which resources enabling elimination are scarce, and where...

Cervical cancer could be all but eliminated in 80 years: Lancet study


RACGP News, 20 Feb 2019 The Lancet Oncology modelling study found 149 of 181 countries could cut rates of the preventable cancer to four per 100,000 women by the end of the century – the threshold for considering it eliminated as a public health problem. The study finds that combining high uptake of the vaccine with high screening could prevent up to 13.4 million cases of cervical cancer within...

Stillbirth more frequent in women with HIV in UK than in general population


nam/aidsmap, 01 August 2017 The stillbirth rate among women living with HIV in the UK and Ireland from 2007 to 2015 was more than twice that of the general population, Graziella Favarato, presenting on behalf of the National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood (NSHPC), told participants at the 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris last week. Most women...

Pregnancy problems are leading global killer of ​​females aged 15 to 19


The Guardian, Tuesday 16 May 2017 14.01 AEST Pregnancy complications are the leading cause of death globally among females aged 15-19, with self-harm in second place, a global study has found. More than 1.2 million female and male adolescents die annually, the World Health roaOrganization (WHO) report said – the majority from preventable causes including mental health issues, poor nutrition...

New kind of male contraceptive faces biggest hurdle: drugmakers


The Age,  Published APRIL 2 2017 Doctors are on the cusp of launching the first new male contraceptive in more than a century. But rather than a Big Pharma lab, the breakthrough is emerging from a university start-up in the heart of rural India. Years of human trials on the injectable, sperm-zapping product are coming to an end, and researchers are preparing to submit it for regulatory approval...

Two-drug HIV therapy just as effective as three-drug therapy


aidsmap/nam, 25 October 2016
SImplification of an antiretroviral treatment to a boosted protease inhibitor and the nucleoside analogue lamivudine (a dual regimen) is highly effective in people switching from a stable three-drug regimen, researchers reported on Monday at the International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection (HIV Glasgow).
Read more here 

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