Tagliver cancer

Australian Burden of Disease Study: Illicit Drug Use, Intimate Partner Violence, Unsafe Sex


 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Last updated: 06 Aug 2020 Burden of disease is a measure of the years of healthy life lost from living with, or dying from disease and injury. A portion of this burden is preventable, being due to modifiable risk factors. This report provides information on the deaths and burden of disease due to risk factors included in the Australian Burden of...

In contrast to Australia’s success with hepatitis C, our response to hepatitis B is lagging


The Conversation, October 15th, 2019 Around one-third of Australians living with hepatitis C have been cured in the last four years. Australia’s response to hepatitis C is seen as a leading example around the world, and the elimination of the disease as a major public health threat is looking like an increasingly achievable goal. But the situation is much less promising for Australians living...

Liver cancer death rate rising: study


SBS News, 9/4/19 The rate of liver cancer deaths and diagnoses has increased substantially in the past three decades, yet researchers say little has been done to help Australians most at risk. While it is considered a relatively rare type of cancer – nearly 2000 people were diagnosed in 2014 – the high mortality rate and increasing incidence of diagnosis has been concerning...

Smoking causes one in five cancers in people with HIV in North America


aidsmap/nam, 22 January 2018 A fifth of all cancers in people receiving HIV care in North America between 2000 and 2015 was due to smoking, according to US research published this month in advance online by the journal AIDS. “In the United States, the prevalence of smoking among HIV-infected people is substantially higher than in the general population, and most HIV-infected individuals either...

Australian Health Organisations refute Cochrane Review Report and affirm efficacy of DAA therapy for hepatitis C


Joint position statement, Australia, June 2017 This joint Position Statement aims to strongly refute and reject the findings of the Cochrane Review report titled Direct-acting antivirals for chronic hepatitis C, published by the Cochrane Hepato‐Biliary Group on 6 June 2017. The Position Statement was prepared by the expert panel who published a Consensus Statement for Australian recommendations...

Managing Chronic Hepatitis B – Advice for GPs (SHINE SA video)


SHINE SA, July 2017 Today, July 28th, is World Hepatitis Day. There are no ‘healthy carriers’ of hepatitis B! SA Health & SHINE SA are promoting a 6-minute video providing advice for general practitioners in diagnosing, managing and contact tracing patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), to assist in preventing serious liver disease. It is now known that people who were...

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