SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance, February 2024 Parliament of South Australia’s Social Development Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia. SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance prepared a submission supporting a Human Rights Act in South Australia on the basis that it may protect the rights of LGBTIQA+ South Australians and address some of the...
Rainbow Horizons: Don’t leave me this way (Inclusive end of life care and planning)
COTA SA Rainbow Hub, June 2023 Rainbow Horizons: Don’t leave me this way –fostering intergenerational compassionate communities to support LGBTI+ people’s end of life is a project report which reveals the unique challenges older LGBTI+ people may face, and advocates for stronger intergenerational links and for providers to ensure a more inclusive approach to end of life experiences for older...
Pride in Prevention: A guide to primary prevention of family violence experienced by LGBTIQ communities.
Pride in Prevention Evidence Guide Produced by Rainbow Health Victoria for the LGBTIQ Family Violence Prevention Project 2019–202, launched 30 Jun 2020 Authors: Marina Carman, Jackson Fairchild, Matthew Parsons, Claire Farrugia, Jennifer Power and Adam Bourne. The Pride in Prevention Evidence Guide is now available to download. This project forges new ground in the primary prevention of family...
Providing safe and remote services to LGBTIQ people due to the impact of COVID-19
Rainbow Health Victoria, April 2020 We would like to acknowledge the difficult time we all face with the current public health crisis caused by coronavirus (COVID-19). Overall, older people and those with underlying health conditions are more at risk. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) communities are known to have significant health disparities, which might...
ASIA PACIFIC ALLIANCE FOR SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND RIGHTS (APA), 2020 The United Nations Treaty Bodies are an authoritative source of international law, and have steadily contributed to protecting the human rights of LGBTI persons. A review of their activities in 2017 and 2018, released by ILGA World, shows that references to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex...
Trans health and the risks of inappropriate curiosity
BMJ, September 9, 2019 Care providers need to be aware of the damage of inappropriate curiosity when working with people who are transgender, say Adam Shepherd, Benjamin Hanckel, and Andy Guise. Encountering inappropriate curiosity is a common experience among people who identify as LGBT. This kind of behaviour shouldn’t happen in a healthcare facility, yet recent reports from Stonewall and...