Khaw, C., Zablotska-Manos, I. & Boyd, M.A. Sex Res Soc Policy (2020). Abstract: Background Chemsex, the intentional combining of sex with the use of particular psychoactive substances typically crystal methamphetamine, gamma-hydroxybutyrate(GHB)/gamma butyrolactone(GBL), mephedrone, and ketamine has been reported among men who have sex with men (MSM). Chemsex is more common among MSM than in...
Gay men having chemsex are five times more likely to have a new HIV diagnosis than other gay men
aidsmap/nam, 23 May 2018 Gay and bisexual men who reported engaging in chemsex (the use of specific drugs to enhance or facilitate sex) were five times more likely to be newly diagnosed with HIV, nine times more likely to be diagnosed with hepatitis C and four times more likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection during a 13-month follow-up period, according to London data...
Very high levels of chemsex and ‘slamsex’ seen in HIV-positive men attending UK HIV clinics
nam/aidsmap, 24 February 2016 A survey of HIV-positive patients attending 30 HIV clinics in England and Wales has found that nearly a third (29%) of gay male patients reported engaging in ‘chemsex’ (defined by the researchers as “The use of drugs to increase disinhibition and arousal”) in the past year and that one in 10 reported ‘slamsex’ (injecting – or being injected with – the drugs). Read...