Tagintersex people

Almost a quarter of Australians have inflicted some sort of SV since turning 18: report


ABC & Australian Institute of Criminology, 10th July 2024 More than one in five Australians have admitted to inflicting acts of sexual violence since the age of 18, in shocking figures released by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC). A survey of 5,000 anonymous Australians aged between 18 and 45 has revealed almost 10 per cent had perpetrated sexual violence in the past 12 months...

Rainbow Rights Toolkit: Overcoming discrimination • Housing • Health • Plan ahead


COTA SA, June 2024 Rainbow rights are human rights, and this toolkit identifies how older LGBTI+ community members can understand and action their rights, as well as providing information to the people who are part of their choices, supports and care. COTA SA has partnered with the South Australian Government’s Office for Ageing Well to develop this resource and build awareness of state...

Rainbow Realities: In-depth analyses of large-scale LGBTQA+ health and wellbeing data in Australia


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, April 2024. Rainbow Realities provides a synthesis of pre-existing findings as well as more than 50 new analyses derived from the data of six surveys of LGBTQA+ populations in Australia. These are: Private Lives 3, Writing Themselves In 4, SWASH , Trans Pathways, Walkern Katatdjin (Rainbow Knowledge) and Pride and...

SARAA’s Submission: Human Rights Act for SA


SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance, February 2024 Parliament of South Australia’s Social Development Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia. SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance prepared a submission supporting a Human Rights Act in South Australia on the basis that it may protect the rights of LGBTIQA+ South Australians and address some of the...

SHINE SA Significant Dates Calendar for 2024


January 2024 Our Significant Dates Calendar covers the dates and milestones that help us raise awareness of the issues and topics we care about in sexual health and relationship wellbeing, and related areas. The resource has been updated for 2024.  The calendar is a list of 2024 events including Sexual Health Week; Mental Health Week; World Autism Day; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HIV...

Rainbow Horizons: Don’t leave me this way (Inclusive end of life care and planning)


COTA SA Rainbow Hub, June 2023 Rainbow Horizons: Don’t leave me this way –fostering intergenerational compassionate communities to support LGBTI+ people’s end of life is a project report which reveals the unique challenges older LGBTI+ people may face, and advocates for stronger intergenerational links and for providers to ensure a more inclusive approach to end of life experiences for older...

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