
HIV incidence in Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations in Australia


The Lancet HIV: August 07, 2018 DOI: (18)30135-8 Ward, J ;McManus, H; McGregor, S;  et al. Methods Using the National HIV Registry at The Kirby Institute at UNSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia, we collated and analysed annual HIV notification data for 1996–2015. Patients who were not born in Australia were excluded. We calculated the rates of HIV diagnoses with annual trends in notification rates for...

Scotland’s reduction in new HCV infections is due to harm reduction, not treatment


infohep, Published:12 June 2018 The reduction in new hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections that has taken place in Scotland since 2008 is most likely due to increased provision of needle and syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy, rather than a reduction in the number of people with hepatitis C as a result of increased treatment of HCV infection, a modelling study published in the...

Melbourne’s first safe injecting room, clean, sterile and ‘will save lives’


ABC News, 29.6.18 Up to 300 people a day are expected to use Victoria’s first medically supervised drug injecting room when it opens in the coming days. The Victorian Government committed to a two-year trial at the North Richmond Community Health Centre, after three separate coroners called for a supervised space. Mental Health Minister Martin Foley said it would save lives. Read more of...

Gay men having chemsex are five times more likely to have a new HIV diagnosis than other gay men


aidsmap/nam,  23 May 2018 Gay and bisexual men who reported engaging in chemsex (the use of specific drugs to enhance or facilitate sex) were five times more likely to be newly diagnosed with HIV, nine times more likely to be diagnosed with hepatitis C and four times more likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection during a 13-month follow-up period, according to London data...

The time for action on Human T-Lymphotrophic Virus has arrived: An open letter to WHO


Australasian Society for HIV Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM), 10 May 2018 ASHM has joined the call by leading Human T-Lymphotrophic Virus 1 (HTLV-1) researchers, clinicians and patients to take action on HTLV-1 by signing an open letter to the WHO, published in an abbreviated form in The Lancet. The letter calls on the WHO to support the promotion of proven, effective...

New stigma indicators reports for Zero Discrimination Day


Centre for Social Research in Health, 1 Mar 2018 In Australia, there are currently five national strategies addressing HIV, viral hepatitis, and STIs.  A clear objective exists within each of the five strategies to “eliminate the negative impact of stigma, discrimination, and legal and human rights issues on people’s health”. However, until recently, there was no associated indicator...

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