Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (ACT), August 2022 Consultation on the draft Variations in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2022 closed on Friday 8 July. A Listening Report has been prepared summarising the input provided by stakeholders during the consultation. This report is intended to provide transparency regarding the range of views and...
Ending the “silent suffering” of women with third and fourth degree perineal tears after childbirth
Croakey Professional Services, April 21, 2021 Third and fourth degree perineal tears are an uncommon but potentially devastating complication of vaginal childbirth. While not all such tears can be prevented, many can. When they do occur, early identification, surgical repair, and support are all key to recovery. With the release this month of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in...
How sexual assault survivors can feel in control during cervical screenings
ABC Life / By Kellie Scott / 12th August 2020 Kate* avoids cervical screenings.The 34-year-old from Sydney is a survivor of sexual assault and finds the physical examination re-traumatising. Kate’s experience is not unique. One in five Australian women has experienced sexual violence since the age of 15. And research shows those who have experienced sexual abuse, either as adults or...
STI and BBV control in remote communities: Clinical practice and resource manual
SAHMRI / Young Deadly Free, 2019 This manual was developed by SAHMRI as part of the Young Deadly Free project, to support clinicians in efforts to boost STI and BBV testing rates for young people living in and visiting remote communities. The manual provides tips on offering STI and BBV testing as part of routine consults with young people; collates the various STI and BBV clinical guidelines...
HIV & the Law: updated content from ASHM
Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine, 2019 The NEW Guide to Australian HIV Laws and Policies for Healthcare Professionals includes two new sections on Mandatory Testing for HIV and My Health Record. This resource aims to provide health care workers with information on legal and ethical responsibilities under various laws and regulations related to human...
Rules about sex: getting them right – upcoming training day
SHINE SA, September 2018 This stand-alone workshop introduces participants to a wide range of education resources that may be borrowed from SHINE SA and provides permanent access to an electronic resource on CD that can be applied immediately in the workplace. The CD based resource has been produced to assist workers and carers to assess knowledge and teach rules about touch and sexual behaviour...