Tagimmune activation

Monkeypox update: Your Questions Answered video with Dr Dr Vincent Cornelisse / Updated Clinical Guidance from ATAGI / Responding to MPX: GBM in Australia (Survey)


MPX – Monkeypox – Your Questions Answered (video) Thorne Harbour Health, 26 Aug, 2022 Thorne Harbour Health’s Cal Hawk is joined by Dr Vincent Cornelisse to unpack the latest information we have about the current global outbreak of the monkeypox virus (MPXV) including what our communities can do now to reduce their risk. Vincent is a specialist in sexual health medicine and...

Child Living with HIV Maintains Remission Without Drugs Since 2008


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), July 24, 2017 A nine-year-old South African child who was diagnosed with HIV infection at one month of age and received anti-HIV treatment during infancy has suppressed the virus without anti-HIV drugs for eight and a half years, scientists reported today at the 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science in Paris. This case appears to be the...

HIV Therapy May Also Lower Risk for Hepatitis B, Study Says


Medline Plus, October 12, 2015 Not only does effective HIV therapy thwart that virus, it may also reduce the risk for hepatitis B infection, a new study says. “What this means to us is that effective HIV therapy appears to restore an impairment in the immune response that protects someone with HIV from acquiring hepatitis B infection,” study senior author Dr. Chloe Thio said. Read...

ABC Health Report on: Endometriosis


ABC Radio National, Monday 10 November 2014 5:50PM Endometriosis is a common medical condition, affecting one in ten Australian women. Sufferers describe the pain as otherworldly – as if they are being torn up from their insides. Yet the treatment options available in Australia are minimal. This is the story of a tenacious mother-daughter team who fought tooth and nail, via Twitter and...

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