Cooper, K., Butler, C., Russell, A. et al. The lived experience of gender dysphoria in autistic young people: a phenomenological study with young people and their parents. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2022). Abstract: Gender dysphoria is distress in relation to incongruence between an individual’s gender and sex assigned at birth. Gender clinics offer support for gender dysphoria, and there is a...
Essure contraceptive device: Hazard Alert from TGA
Therapeutic Goods Administration, August 30, 2017
Consumers and health professionals are advised that Australasian Medical and Science Ltd (AMSL), in consultation with the TGA, has issued a hazard alert for Essure. AMSL is also recallingunused stock and withdrawing the device from the Australian market.
Read more of Essure contraceptive device: Hazard Alert
The battle over Essure
The Washington Post, Published on July 26, 2017 Nobody can say exactly how many women have had Essure implanted since the device went on the market in 2002. Bayer, which is headquartered in Germany, says that more than 750,000 devices have been sold worldwide and that sales “continue to grow.” In recent years, the [US] Food and Drug Administration has received more than 16,000 adverse-event...