HCV Action, January 2023 Key points: • The aim of the Emergency Department Peer Support Lead project is to improve the uptake of HCV testing in at-risk patients attending Bristol Royal Infirmary ED, using point-of-care testing on-site, conducted by the Hepatitis C Trust peer support worker and supported by the BRI hepatology team to provide treatment for any HCV-RNA positive patient identified...
Update: Changes to HIV treatment access for people ineligible for Medicare
NAPWHA, ASHM, AFAO, May 2022 From 1st July, people with HIV who are ineligible for Medicare, and who previously received HIV medication through compassionate access schemes, will be required to transition to alternative access arrangements in order to receive government-funded treatment*. Option 1: individuals will need to engage in care with a public hospital-based physician and have their...
Outcomes of patients with HIV and COVID-19 co-infection
Danwang C, Noubiap JJ, Robert A, Yombi JC. Outcomes of patients with HIV and COVID-19 co-infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS Res Ther. 2022 Jan 14;19(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s12981-021-00427-y. Abstract: Background: Data on the association of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection with adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19 are conflicting. This systematic review and meta...
Stigma remains a barrier to women seeking help for Substance Use Disorders in pregnancy
On Health Report with Dr Norman Swan (ABC Radio), Broadcast: Mon 5 Jul 2021, 5:40pm Experts say more facilities are needed across Australia to keep women with substance use disorders and their babies together when it’s safe to do so, and research is urgently needed to know what early interventions and support these children need beyond infancy. And they say stigma is a major barrier to...
New SMS service for SA HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Hotline
Communicable Disease Control Branch, Health Regulation and Protection, Department of Health and Wellbeing, Government of South Australia, February 2021 The South Australian HIV PEP Hotline (1800 022 226) provides advice, triage and information to members of the community who may have been exposed to HIV, and if assessed as eligible, directs them to their nearest PEP access point. Most HIV PEP...
Situational Report: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Australia
Marie Stopes Australia, Updated 17 April 2020 Situational Report: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Australia – A request for collaboration and action to maintain contraceptive and abortion care throughout the SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19 pandemic Executive Summary We are in a context of increased risk of unplanned pregnancy, reproductive coercion, sexually transmitted infections, lack of...