
Report: Gay and Transgender Prejudice Killings in NSW in the Late 20th Century


ACON, May 2018 Australia has a long history of violence towards people from sexual and gender minorities, stretching from colonisation to the present day. This Report looks at what has been a tragic and shameful episode in Sydney’s history. ACON, in conjunction with key partners, has undertaken a review of the initial list of 88 homicide cases that occurred during the period t from the 1970s...



SHINE SA, March 2018 Take action towards your diversity and inclusivity goals this year!  The first 2018 round of SHINE SA’s HOW2 Create Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex (LGBTI) Inclusive Services program commences next month.  This program can provide your organisation with a practical way to work towards increasing inclusivity and celebrating diversity The program is based on...

New resources: Staying Strong During The Marriage Equality Debate


ACON, November 2017 In light of all the emotional distress being caused by the protracted and harmful  debate surrounding marriage equality, ACON has put together these resources that they hope will help everyone within the affected communities, particularly younger community members who often find themselves most vulnerable to hate speech. Download the full-sized resources below: Staying Strong...

LGBTQ Homelessness Research Project: Final Report


University of Melbourne / Swinburne University of Technology, September 2017 Whilst there is mounting evidence that the risk of and potential consequences of homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer or questioning (LGBTIQ) people are heightened compared to the general population, there has been limited systematic research in Australia to inform a more targeted...

Study on mental health impacts of anti-gay religious prejudice should be a ‘wake-up call’ for faith leaders


ABC, 19th October 2017 Faith leaders who insist same-sex couples should not be able to marry — even those who also promote love and support for LGB people — may be causing serious harm to the mental health of LGB individuals, the author of a new study on the impacts of religious anti-gay prejudice has said. In the new study, published this week in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry...

SHINE’s Marriage Equality Counselling Service launches today


SHINE SA, October 16, 2017 Is the marriage equality ‘debate’ making you feel hopeless, afraid, lonely, angry or upset? Are you struggling with relationships, discrimination or bullying? Not sure who to talk to or where to get help? Marriage Equality Counselling Service is a free, confidential telephone and online counselling service available to LGBTIQ South Australians of all ages, staffed...

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