Tagheterosexual intercourse

HIV notifications among people from CALD backgrounds in Australia


Improving our understanding of HIV notifications among people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds in Australia By Ela Naruka, Research Officer, Kirby Institute, October 23, 2024 Over the past decade (2014-2023), there has been a 21.5% increase in HIV notifications among people from CALD backgrounds. In 2014, there were 306 notifications (28% of total notifications), which rose...

Gender, sex and equal health: including boys in the HPV vaccination programme in Swedish primary schools


Ylva Odenbring & Lisa Lindén (2023) Gender, sex and equal health: school nurses’ strategies and experiences of including boys in the HPV vaccination programme in Swedish primary schools, Sex Education, 23:5, 617-630, DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2022.2106959 Abstract: Since autumn 2020, boys in the fifth year of school (11-year-old students) in Sweden have been offered human papillomavirus (HPV)...

Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of [adolescents] using a condom


McCarthy Molly, Kauer Sylvia, Fisher Christopher (2022) Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of using a condom during last sexual experience in a large, national survey of adolescents from Australia. Sexual Health, online early, Abstract: Background: Reducing sexually transmitted infections among adolescents is an important public health goal in Australia and worldwide. This study...

Multiple factors explain why middle-aged heterosexuals with new sexual partners don’t use condoms


nam/aidsmap New strategies and approaches are needed to address the sexual health needs of middle-aged heterosexuals starting new relationships, research published in Sexually Transmitted Infections suggests. The UK study involved men and women aged between 40 and 59 years with, or considering, new sexual partners after the break-up of a long-term relationship. In-depth interviews showed that...

Are We Blinded by Desire? Relationship Motivation and Sexual Risk-Taking Intentions during Condom Negotiation


The Journal of Sex Research, Shayna Skakoon-Sparling & Kenneth M. Cramer (2019) DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2019.1579888 ABSTRACT Effective condom negotiation skills support better sexual health for both men and women. The current study explored relationship motivation (motivation to establish and maintain long-term romantic relationships), gender, and sexual orientation as factors influencing the...

HIV diagnoses in migrant populations in Australia: a changing epidemiology


PLoS ONE ,14(2): e0212268. Abstract Introduction We conducted a detailed analysis of trends in new HIV diagnoses in Australia by country of birth, to understand any changes in epidemiology, relationship to migration patterns and implications for public health programs. Methods Poisson regression analyses were performed, comparing the age-standardised HIV diagnosis rates per 100,000 estimated...

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