Sexually Transmissible Infections in Gay Men Action Group (STIGMA), September 2019 Most sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are asymptomatic. Testing and treatment of asymptomatic men who have sex with men (MSM) is the most effective method to interrupt transmission and reduce the burden of illness. In particular, syphilis is increasingly common, is often asymptomatic, and can cause...
STI/BBV testing tool for asymptomatic people
NSW STI Programs Unit, ASHM & Qld. Govt., 2019
This resource has charts and information about how routine STI/BBV testing can be offered, who to, and how to follow up.
Developed by NSW STI Programs Unit, NSW Australia, and reproduced with permission by the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service, ASHM and Communicable Diseases Branch.
Download PDF here: sti-bbv-testing-tool
Upcoming forum – Call me by any name: the facts on meth and Hep A, B and C
SAMESH & Hepatitis SA, August 2018 Crystal? Ice? Tina? Have questions about methamphetamines? Want to know the facts? How to look after yourself and others? Curious about hepatitis A, B or C? Want to know more about transmission and treatment? Come to our community forum & have your questions answered by experts. Speakers: Gary Spence & Michelle Spudic – from Hepatitis SA FREE EVENT...
Hepatitis A in MSM
SA Health / SHINE SA, October 2017 An increase in the number of notifications of hepatitis A has been reported in New South Wales amongst men who have sex with men (MSM). It is suspected that these infections are associated with a recent outbreak overseas amongst MSM in Europe and the Americas. Key prevention messages: Vaccination is the most effective form of prevention against hepatitis A...
In[ter]view: SHINE SA’s Dr Amy Moten
Verse magazine, Edition 18, September 2017 This edition we talked to Amy, SHINE SA’s Medical Educator, who is answering all your questions when it comes to the ‘what’s this’ and ‘how do I check that’ of sex. How often should people who are sexually active get tested? You should have a test when symptoms of a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) are first noticed or if a sexual partner is...
New Hepatitis A factsheet from SA health
Department for Health and Ageing, Government of South Australia, September 2017 An increase in the number of notifications of hepatitis A has been reported in New South Wales amongst men who have sex with men (MSM). It is suspected that these infections are associated with a recent outbreak overseas amongst MSM in Europe and the Americas. Key prevention messages: Vaccination is the most effective...