Taghealth promotion

Building on strengths to support Aboriginal young people’s sexual health


UNSW, originally published May 2020 The Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project ‘What We Do Well’ has reached a milestone of halfway point and completion of the first major round of data collection, conducted by Aboriginal young people trained as part of the project to interview their peers. ‘What We Do Well’ is identifying the positive actions Aboriginal young people take to reduce...

Baby born with “avoidable” congenital syphilis: experts


InDaily, June 04, 2020 The recent birth of a child in South Australia with congenital syphilis, despite the mother being previously diagnosed and treated for the sexually transmitted infection, has prompted SA Health concern about the quality of the treatment. [A] public health alert [sent by SA Health] “reminds and advises health practitioners of their responsibilities” in managing syphilis...

Resources Project Officer: job vacancy at NAPWHA


The National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPWHA), March 2020 NAPWHA is seeking a Resources Project Officer to join their team in Newtown, Sydney and deliver two education projects in 2020. The ideal applicant will have experience developing online learning resources, ideally in the community health sector and for people living with HIV. They will have experience in project...

A simple way to promote HPV vaccination among Asian American women: Storytelling


The Conversation, March 4, 2020 10.58pm AEDT Why do so many Asian Americans and Pacific Islander women know so little about HPV? We set out to answer this question by interviewing  ethnic groups and conducting surveys. Our findings suggest their knowledge and attitudes toward HPV prevention are closely tied to health beliefs and cultural or language barriers. What’s more, we discovered preventive...

“I’m never having sex with anybody ever again”: what helps PLHIV get over these feelings

nam/aidsmap, 27 January 2020 For people living with HIV, sexual adjustment after diagnosis is affected by fears of transmitting the virus and of possible rejection by sexual partners, new qualitative research shows. Healthy sexual adjustment over time is facilitated by partner acceptance; peer, community and professional support; and up-to-date knowledge of HIV transmission, including U=U...

U and Me Can Stop HIV (video)


YoungDeadlyFree, December 2019 U and me Can Stop HIV: this 8-minute animated video is designed to reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with the latest information on HIV.  Animations can help explain the facts about STIs and BBVs in an engaging way that’s easy to understand, and not too confronting. YoungDeadlyFree have produced these animations for young people to access directly...

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