
Understanding LGBTI+ Lives in Crisis (Report)


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University & Lifeline Australia, February 2019 This research report presents findings of lesbian (L), gay (G), bisexual (B), transgender (T), intersex people (I), and other sexual identity and gender diverse individuals (+) use of crisis support services (CSS) in Australia. This is the first research of its kind in Australia that...

Out at Work: from Prejudice to Pride report


RMIT University, 16 Aug 2018 Less than a third of LGBTIQ+ employees in Australia are out to all their colleagues and this significantly compromises their wellbeing and work performance, new research has found. According to the Out at Work: from Prejudice to Pride report released today, roughly 25 per cent of employees were out to some people and almost 40 per cent were out to most people at work...

Nearly half of female healthcare workers in Australia have experienced domestic abuse: study


ABC News, 3/7/18 A landmark investigation into female medical staff in Australia has found nearly half have experienced domestic violence, including one in 10 who had been abused by their partner in the past year alone. The study, published in the BMC Women’s Health journal, involved 471 doctors, nurses and health professionals in Victoria and is believed to be the first to examine the link...

A survey on violence and discrimination among people with disabilities


BMC Public Health 2018 18:355 Abstract Background The aim of the study was to quantify levels of violence and discrimination among people with disabilities and analyze the effects of gender and the type and degree of disability. Methods The study analyzed data on self-reported violence and discrimination from a Danish national survey of 18,019 citizens, of whom 4519 reported a physical disability...

Discrimination, not same-sex parents, harms children: report


The Age, October 23 2017 Children raised in same-sex families develop as their peers in families with heterosexual parents do, a group of senior pediatricians and adolescent health experts says. And the group has called on the medical community to debunk “damaging misrepresentations” of the evidence being used by the “no” campaign in the postal vote on same-sex marriage...

Factsheet on the new The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017


The Equality Campaign, 18/09/2017 The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017 was introduced into parliament (and passed) at the end of last week. Included as a part of the bill was a series of temporary measures to protect people from vilification, harassment or threats of harm during the current postal survey campaign. Also included as a part of the bill is a series of...

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