Pezaro S, et al. Gender-inclusive language in midwifery and perinatal services: A guide and argument for justice. Birth. 2024 Jun 1. Abstract: Effective communication in relation to pregnancy and birth is crucial to quality care. A recent focus in reproductive healthcare on “sexed language” reflects an ideology of unchangeable sex binary and fear of erasure, from both cisgender women and the...
LGBTIQ+ teens’ experiences negotiating connection, self-expression and harm online
June 2024, eSafety Commissioner (Australia) ‘Tipping the balance: LGBTIQ+ teens’ experiences negotiating connection, self-expression and harm online’ is based on the experiences of 305 Australian young people aged 14 to 17, who identified as LGBTIQ+. This research explores the online experiences of LGBTIQ+ teens and how they negotiate connection, express themselves and deal with harm...
Ensuring health and bodily integrity: towards a human rights approach for intersex people
Ensuring health and bodily integrity: towards a human rights approach for people born with variations in sex characteristics. Australian Human Rights Commission, 2021. Authors: Michael Frommer, John Howell, Edward Santow, Dr Susan Cochrane, and Bruce Alston. The Australian Human Rights Commission’s report, Ensuring health and bodily integrity: towards a human rights approach for people born with...
Healing Spiritual Harms: Supporting Recovery from LGBTQA+ Change and Suppression Practices
The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, February 2021 This research report presents findings from a project conducted in partnership with the Brave Network, the Australian LGBTIQ+ Multicultural Council (AGMC) and the Victorian Government on recovery support needs of survivors of LGBTQA+ change and suppression (conversion) practices. Studies suggest that at...
Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report
Australian Human Rights Commission, March 2020 This Inquiry examined the nature and prevalence of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces, the drivers of this harassment and measures to address and prevent sexual harassment. Since 2003, the Australian Human Rights Commission has conducted four periodic surveys on the national experience of sexual harassment. The most recent survey showed that...
Largest national study exploring the health and wellbeing of young LGBTIQ people
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University, 2019 This is Me is the largest national study exploring the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ young people in Australia. Conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University, this short (8-10 minute) survey asks young people a range of questions about health...