Tagharm minimisation

Introducing AOD Media Watch


AOD Media Watch,  Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Media Watch is based on the same premise as the ABC show Media Watch. AOD Media Watch is run by a group of researchers and clinicians who work in the field, that aims to highlight poor examples of journalism regarding AOD-related issues in the hope that they can assist journalists to report more objectively using science and evidence rather than...

AMA calls for needle and syringe programs (NSPs) to be introduced in prisons


Australian Medical Association, January 9th 2017 The AMA has called for needle and syringe programs (NSPs) to be introduced in prisons and other custodial settings, to reduce the spread of Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) including hepatitis B and C, and HIV. AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, said today that prevalence of BBVs is significantly higher in prisons, yet custodial facilities provide a...

Teens should be educated about safer sexting not just abstinence, report says


The Guardian, Monday 31 October 2016 06.43 AEDT Teenagers should be educated on how to sext more safely and be respectful of each other rather than be persuaded by educational materials to abstain from sexting, a new report says. The paper, written by Yfoundations youth health sector support officer Jessie Hunt, is a first in Australian public health policy. It says resources aimed at educating...

Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour: Viral hepatitis


UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health, October 2016 The Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour presents data from a selection of the behavioural and social research conducted by the Centre for Social Research in Health. The report focuses in particular on studies assessing trends over time or addressing emerging issues. The Viral Hepatitis Supplement covers a few key issues which stand out  in...

Prisons need better drug treatment programs to control infectious diseases


The Conversation, July 15, 2016 10.56am AEST Worldwide, around 30 million people enter and leave prison each year. Of these people, around 4.5 million have hepatitis C, almost 1 million have HIV and 1.5 million have hepatitis B infections. In many countries, prisons are underfunded and overcrowded, and injecting drug use is common. Those who enter prison uninfected are at risk of becoming...

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