SHINE SA, May 30, 2019 On 31 May 2019, the Sex Industry Network (SIN) will gather at Parliament House to rally for the decriminalisation of the South Australian sex industry and to recognise International Sex Workers Day. In South Australia sex work is criminalised, prohibiting sex work so that those engaging in relevant activities can be prosecuted for criminal offences. SIN and Scarlet...
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of existing needle and syringe programmes in preventing hepatitis C transmission in PWID
Drug and Alcohol Findings (UK), 2019 What would happen to rates of infection with hepatitis C if we closed down all the needle exchanges? Research has established that needle/syringe programmes are a cost-effective way to reduce spread of HIV, but just two studies have considered the same issue in relation to hepatitis C. In three UK municipalities, the answers were predicted to be more...
Upcoming forum – Call me by any name: the facts on meth and Hep A, B and C
SAMESH & Hepatitis SA, August 2018 Crystal? Ice? Tina? Have questions about methamphetamines? Want to know the facts? How to look after yourself and others? Curious about hepatitis A, B or C? Want to know more about transmission and treatment? Come to our community forum & have your questions answered by experts. Speakers: Gary Spence & Michelle Spudic – from Hepatitis SA FREE EVENT...
Scotland’s reduction in new HCV infections is due to harm reduction, not treatment
infohep, Published:12 June 2018 The reduction in new hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections that has taken place in Scotland since 2008 is most likely due to increased provision of needle and syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy, rather than a reduction in the number of people with hepatitis C as a result of increased treatment of HCV infection, a modelling study published in the...
Melbourne’s first safe injecting room, clean, sterile and ‘will save lives’
ABC News, 29.6.18 Up to 300 people a day are expected to use Victoria’s first medically supervised drug injecting room when it opens in the coming days. The Victorian Government committed to a two-year trial at the North Richmond Community Health Centre, after three separate coroners called for a supervised space. Mental Health Minister Martin Foley said it would save lives. Read more of...
AoD and harm minimisation with Gender and Sexually Diverse (GSD) people
Mental Health Professionals’ Network, January 2018 You are invited to the next Adelaide Gender and Sexually Diverse (GSD) Mental Health network meeting: AoD and harm minimisation Featuring expert guest speakers from the AOD sector Thursday, 8 February 2018 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Glenside Hospital Learning Centre, 226 Fullarton Rd, Glenside Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP essential. RSVP:...