Tagglobal epidemic

Public health and HIV viral load suppression


UNAIDS, 19 JULY 2017 Key messages: 1. There is growing scientific consensus that people living with HIV who are taking effective antiretroviral therapy and whose virus is suppressed to undetectable levels will not transmit HIV sexually. 2. Treatment is first and foremost about enabling the person living with HIV to regain and maintain good health. Globally, there needs to be better access to...

Early warning system exposes the rise of the gonorrhoea ‘super-superbug’


The Age, July19th 2017 – 8:32 AM A critically drug-resistant strain of gonorrhoea dubbed a “super-superbug” has been detected in every Australian state and territory by a new national surveillance system. The National Alert System for Critical Antimicrobial Resistance (CARAlert) identified 1,064 bacteria highly resistant to last-line antibiotics between 17 March 2016 and 31...

Scientists warn that antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea is on the rise


WHO, 07 July 2017 Every day, more than 1 million sexually transmitted infections are acquired worldwide, and each year an estimated 78 million people are infected with gonorrhoea. New data from 77 countries show that antibiotic resistance is making gonorrhoea much harder – and sometimes impossible – to treat. The data has been published in PLOS, in two new scientific articles. Read more...

Study suggests drug criminalization undermining global HIV/AIDS efforts


Medical News Today, May 2017 The criminalization of drugs is a leading factor in the world’s HIV epidemic and a potential barrier to eradicating HIV/AIDS, say researchers who’ve undertaken a sweeping review of research on laws and policies prohibiting drug use. Assistant professor Kora DeBeck of SFU’s School of Public Policy, who is a research scientist with the BC Centre for...

Nearly two-thirds of European HIV cases are now in Russia


aidsmap, 09 January 2017 The annual number of new cases of HIV increased by at least 8% in 2015 in the European region, and by 60% in the last decade. A continued increase in new diagnoses in Russia was responsible for most of the increase. In 2015, 64% of European-region new cases were in Russia. The UK still reported by far the largest number of new cases of HIV of any country in western Europe...

West African HIV-2 prevalence associated with lower historical male circumcision rate


Medical News Today, Thursday 8 December 2016 Cities with substantial uncircumcised populations in 1950 tended to have higher HIV-2 prevalence from 1985. In West African cities, male circumcision rates in 1950 were negatively correlated with HIV-2 prevalence from 1985, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by João Sousa from the University of Leuven, Belgium, and...

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