
Australian FGM Hotline launched


No FGM Australia, September 16th, 2015 CALL 1800 522 707 IF YOU ARE IN DANGER OF FGM OR IF YOU KNOW OF A GIRL IN DANGER OF FGM A new FGM Hotline was launched today to help girls who may be in danger of female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM, also known as female genital cutting or female circumcision, is a centuries old traditional practice which involves the coercive removal of little girls’...

Charter of Ethical Practice (FGM)


This Charter promotes a human rights approach for those working on the issue on FGM/C. It is intended to empower women and community members by providing a guide to practice that is underpinned by the human rights principles of participation, accountability, non-discrimination, respect, empowerment, self-determination and inclusion. This Charter has been developed by community women as part of...

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