Tagfederal government

Same-sex marriage survey sparks spike in access of LGBTI mental health support


ABC News, 18/8/2017 A national mental health service for young people and their parents say they have experienced a spike in clients accessing LGBTI support services during the highly charged same-sex marriage postal survey period. ReachOut CEO Jono Nicholas said there had been a 20 per cent increase in people accessing LGBTI support services with many contacting them with anxiety over the same...

Anchorage Statement: Indigenous Peoples and Viral Hepatitis


2nd World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Viral Hepatitis, August 2017 The Anchorage Statement is a statement on Indigenous Peoples and Viral Hepatitis, which was prepared by Indigenous peoples globally who attended the 2nd World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Viral Hepatitis held in Anchorage Alaska in August 2017. The Anchorage Statement sets out the aspirations of Indigenous peoples...

Australia leads the world in hepatitis C treatment – what’s behind its success?


The Conversation, July 31, 2017 4.05pm AEST The World Health Organisation recently set ambitious goals for the “elimination of hepatitis C as a major public health threat”. These included having 80% of people treated and an 80% reduction in the spread of the virus by 2030. Given there are around 70 million people infected with hep C worldwide, only 20% diagnosed, and no effective vaccine, the...

National health organisations unite and called on the Government to legislate for marriage equality


The Equality Campaign, August 2017 More than 35 leading health organisations across the nation – including SHINE SA – have united together and called on the Federal Government to legislate for marriage equality and put an end to marriage discrimination. Tiernan Brady, Executive Director, The Equality Campaign welcomed the statement, “It’s easy in the middle of all the politics to...

Trump-Pence Administration Asserts Civil Rights Laws Won’t Apply to LGBQ People


The Human Rights Campaign, July 26, 2017 Today, HRC issued the following statement in response to an amicus brief filed by the Department of Justice arguing that Title VII does not protect lesbian, gay, or bisexual people on the basis of sex: “Attacks against the LGBTQ community at all levels of government continue to pour in from the Trump-Pence Administration,” said Sarah Warbelow, HRC Legal...

Can Australia be the first country to eliminate HIV transmissions?


ABC Radio National Life Matters, Monday 5 June 2017 9:06 AM Did you know that Australia has a national strategy to reduce HIV transmission to zero by 2020? That’s a big ask and it’s only three years away. There are currently about 25,000 people living with HIV in Australia and the number of new infections each year is down to about 1000. But it’s been stuck at that number for...

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