
SHINE’s Marriage Equality Counselling Service launches today


SHINE SA, October 16, 2017 Is the marriage equality ‘debate’ making you feel hopeless, afraid, lonely, angry or upset? Are you struggling with relationships, discrimination or bullying? Not sure who to talk to or where to get help? Marriage Equality Counselling Service is a free, confidential telephone and online counselling service available to LGBTIQ South Australians of all ages, staffed...

Design Agency ‘Frog’ Redesigns The Dreaded Gynecology Exam


co.design, 10.10.17 Cold metal. Eerie clicking sound. Torturous duck-billed shape. Yes, I’m talking about the speculum, the anxiety-inducing device that doctors use to check  vaginal health. Despite its status as an instrument of discomfort and its dark history–involving a doctor who experimented on slave women – the speculum remains to this day one of the centerpieces of the often dreaded annual...

Challenging misconceptions about sexual offending: report (Link fixed)


Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2017 Reports of sexual offences crimes have increased over the last six years. Despite the prevalence of sexual offending in our communities, there is a lack of understanding about these crimes. Myths and misconceptions about sexual offending are common. This is understandable, because sexual offending is a profoundly hidden crime. Much of what we know...

Release of the results of the 2015 -16 Rainbow Survey


Department for Communities and Social Inclusion  (SA), August 25, 2017 Today Department for Communities and Social Inclusion has released the results of the 2015-16 Rainbow Survey. The Rainbow Survey is the South Australian government’s general survey of the lives, opinions and experiences of LGBTIQ South Australians. The 2015-16 survey is the second Rainbow Survey, providing further insight and...

Shame, secrecy and silence hobble migrant women’s sexual health, new research suggests


Sydney Morning Herald, August 5th 2017 Shame, secrecy, silence and fear were keeping many new migrant women in the dark about their own sexual and reproductive health, found a recent study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. Cultural and religious beliefs were major barriers to many women accessing health services, warned the researchers who held focus groups with 169 single, married...

Can Australia be the first country to eliminate HIV transmissions?


ABC Radio National Life Matters, Monday 5 June 2017 9:06 AM Did you know that Australia has a national strategy to reduce HIV transmission to zero by 2020? That’s a big ask and it’s only three years away. There are currently about 25,000 people living with HIV in Australia and the number of new infections each year is down to about 1000. But it’s been stuck at that number for...

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